Long time no write, but this post's not about writing as you might have been able to tell by it's title. A while back, I noticed I wasn't sleeping as well as I should be and I knew I shouldn't be craving prime rib at 9 pm! Something was not right. Now, it might have been I wasn't getting enough iron, but more importantly, my carbs where possibly going over 100 grams a day.
I had heard about Jack Kruse's Leptin reset prescription through the Mark's Daily Apple forums, but had never really looked at it until recently. Kruse's blog can be found here: http://jackkruse.com/my-leptin-prescription/ I won't go into the details since I provided the link, but there are three basic rules:
1. Strict Paleo/Primal diet as described by Rob Wolf or Mark Sisson
2. 3 meals a day, no snacking, ever.
3. Only 50 grams of Cabohyrdates a day
I'd hit a funk and had starting gaining weight again. That meant my metabolism was going south again. I'm trying Kruse's Leptin reset, to help keep my metabolism from doing that and it's working. The weight is coming off effortlessly again.