After listening to Dean Dwyer's "Make Shift Happen" podcasts and reading his book of the same name, I believe I may be in need of a "Hard Re-boot". No, I take that back, I AM in need of a hard re-boot. After trying Tim Ferris's "Slow-Carb Diet" for a little over a week, I don't think it's for me. I never did add any legume's but I can't help but wonder if having a "cheat" day mentality had something to do with my Seattle's Chocolates Dark Chocolate Coconut Marcoon Truffle bar slip up yesterday. That and I don't really like how I felt after eating so much food during my "cheat day" on Ferris's diet. Granted I ate two small pieces of cake, ice cream and 3 bite size bars (cereal grains and dairy, yuck!) at this graduation party Sunday, just because I thought I could thanks to "cheat day". Yeah, feeling like shit for most of the ride back home, not fun.
I do, however, need to come up with a system of when and how much fruit I can have. I've managed to only have any fruit on Sunday 6-3 after stopping a daily green tipped banana from Balanced BItes' 21 Day Sugar Detox on May 26th. Through doing detox, I've learned that daily banana's even if that's all the fruit I have that day, is NOT good for my energy and feeling satisfied for four or five hours at a time. When I ate that banana each morning, I would crash two or three hours later and need a mid-morning nap.
I've also learned that I can't have dark chocolate truffle bars or more likely chocolate in general because it just brings back the phelm I used to get when I ate something my body had an autoimmune reaction to. Looks like Chris Kresser was right about chocolate cross-reacting with gluten. The dairy in the bars don't help either. Definitely can NOT do dairy period except ghee or clarified butter.
I do know that I feel less inflamed when I don't consume chocolate, dairy, legumes, or cereal grains. And, it doesn't matter if the chocolate's dark or not. Without it, I feel better. End of story and that's what I need to remember every time I think about have some. It's looking like my body isn't very forgiving in terms of what I can eat after all.
Back to protocols for consuming fruit. One day a week (ala "Slow Carb-Diet") seems like too little to me and could possibly lead to large amounts of fructose being eaten all at once. Not good for the adrenal glands or your liver. That being said, two or three times a week seems a more appropriate starting rule of thumb.
Now, even if I limit my fruit to two or three times a week, I still need to set specific days and the amount I'm allowing my self to have. Can't be going nuts on fruit those days. Actually, let's stick with three days (it seems to be the magic number).
Let's see, how about one banana or 2 cups of berries or cantaloupe. So, that's one or two servings on those days. That could be one banana or 1 cup of berries/1 cup cantaloupe or 2 cups of either berries or cantaloupe.
As for the days, Tuesday, Friday, Sunday sounds like a good starting point. Oh, and one important rule, the fruit can NOT be part of breakfast. When I had fruit for breakfast in the past, I tend to be hungrier through out the day.